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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?
Posted by: John Hawkes
Date/Time: 16/05/24 13:54:00

Ms Grant

'what would other governments do in the face of terrorism?'

A very good question because Islamist expansionism, often based upon terror, is spreading wide in the West including in our country, and we need to be prepared for more.

We of course have already had a vast number of such terrorist incidents already, including and starting with the Stephen Timms MP stabbing, the Corporal Lee Rigby murder, leading to the 7/7 bomb attacks killing 52 and injuring 700, the Manchester Arena bombing killing 22 and injuring 139, the murder of David Ammess MP and the Reading park attack killing three.

But the context seems to be changing and all of the above seem to have been forgotten.

The zeitgeist seems to be one of increasing sympathy in a large section of the UK population towards the cause of the  Islamists, hidden within support for Palestinian 'freedom' and an equivalent hardening of the vilification of Israel.

And let's not forget that there are many so-called 'ordinary' British Muslims that support this position as the Henry Jackson survey proved.

So yes I hope our Government and security services do have plans to protect the UK majority from the spread of Islamic extremism.

We may well need them.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?10/05/24 10:23:00 John Hawkes
   Reply10/05/24 11:12:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Reply10/05/24 13:31:00 John Hawkes
         Reply10/05/24 13:55:00 Michael Ixer
            Re:Reply10/05/24 13:57:00 Thomas Jones
   Re:What do the Israelis and their supporters actually want ?12/05/24 22:46:00 Jonathan Callaway
      Re:Re:What do the Israelis and their supporters actually want ?13/05/24 17:36:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 10:29:00 John Hawkes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 11:05:00 Hugh Thompson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 16:05:00 John Hawkes
         Re:Re:Re:What do the Israelis and their supporters actually want ?21/05/24 17:10:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 16:22:00 John Hawkes
         Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 18:37:00 John Kettlekey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 20:31:00 Steven Rose
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 21:39:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?14/05/24 22:53:00 Steven Rose
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 09:15:00 Jane Carter
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?16/05/24 10:07:00 Lucille Grant
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?16/05/24 13:54:00 John Hawkes
                     Reply16/05/24 10:02:00 Lucille Grant
                        Re:Reply16/05/24 15:26:00 John Hawkes
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 09:02:00 John Kettlekey
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 09:36:00 Jane Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palistinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 19:46:00 Steven Rose
   Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 15:37:00 Steven Rose
      Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 16:20:00 Robert Wheeler
      Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 18:34:00 Jane Carter
         Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 21:18:00 Steven Rose
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?16/05/24 09:52:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?16/05/24 10:11:00 Lucille Grant
   Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?15/05/24 21:25:00 Steven Rose
      Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?18/05/24 19:39:00 Robert Wheeler
         Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?18/05/24 21:42:00 Robert Wheeler
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?18/05/24 23:37:00 Lucille Grant
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?19/05/24 08:38:00 Richard Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?19/05/24 11:02:00 Steven Rose
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?19/05/24 11:37:00 John Hawkes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?19/05/24 11:44:00 John Hawkes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?19/05/24 21:59:00 Michael Brigo
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?19/05/24 22:21:00 Andy Pike
                           Re:  What are the Red Cross doing?20/05/24 09:24:00 Philippa Bond
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What do the Palestinians and their supporters actually want ?20/05/24 10:37:00 John Hawkes
   Reply19/05/24 12:22:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Reply19/05/24 12:54:00 Steven Rose
         Re:Re:Reply20/05/24 10:56:00 John Hawkes
   Reply20/05/24 13:00:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Reply20/05/24 13:02:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:Re:Reply20/05/24 14:40:00 Michael Brigo
            Re:Re:Re:Reply20/05/24 15:34:00 John Hawkes
               Reply20/05/24 15:43:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply20/05/24 16:59:00 Michael Brigo
      Re:Reply20/05/24 15:10:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Reply21/05/24 11:21:00 John Hawkes
         Re:Re:Re21/05/24 18:57:00 Steven Rose
            Re:Re:Re:Re21/05/24 23:05:00 John Kettlekey
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re21/05/24 23:55:00 Steven Rose
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re22/05/24 12:12:00 John Hawkes
                  Reply22/05/24 12:32:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply22/05/24 14:02:00 John Hawkes
                        Reply22/05/24 17:57:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re22/05/24 11:58:00 John Hawkes
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re22/05/24 12:57:00 Steven Rose
                  British Jews22/05/24 16:15:00 Lucille Grant
                     Re:British Jews23/05/24 16:06:00 John Hawkes
            Re:Re:Re:Re22/05/24 15:45:00 Lucille Grant
         Accusation by ICJ prosecutor Khan22/05/24 15:10:00 John Hawkes
            Re:Accusation by ICJ prosecutor Khan22/05/24 16:12:00 Steven Rose
               Re:Re:Accusation by ICJ prosecutor Khan22/05/24 16:16:00 Lucille Grant
            Reply22/05/24 17:43:00 Michael Ixer
               Who governs Britain ?24/05/24 13:08:00 John Hawkes
                  Re:  Why this Holocaust Survivor is no longer a Zionist 26/05/24 17:52:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:  Why this Holocaust Survivor is no longer a Zionist 26/05/24 18:50:00 Jane Carter
                        Re:Re:Re:  Why this Holocaust Survivor is no longer a Zionist 26/05/24 21:35:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:  Why this Holocaust Survivor is no longer a Zionist 26/05/24 22:20:00 Lucille Grant
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Why this Holocaust Survivor is no longer a Zionist 27/05/24 11:03:00 Philippa Bond

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