Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Green buses petition
Posted by: Roland Gilmore
Date/Time: 29/02/12 10:15:00

It is scandalous how the presumptions by government of our attitude to and willingness to pay for improvements is distorted by subjective analysis of opinin polls. This issue has now become a political football.
Such mechanisms apply equally to other areas of public funding such as for the Thames Sewage Storage Tunnel where a near 20% premium over cost looks likely to be built into our future water bills. That's what they believe we are willing to pay and equals the saving to the government's accounts by not raising the capital for it.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it15/02/12 13:31:00 Jon Irwin
   Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it16/02/12 07:56:00 Roland Gilmore
   Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it24/02/12 12:58:00 Janis Humberstone
      Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it24/02/12 13:54:00 Bryony Evens
      Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it24/02/12 15:32:00 Richard Hodges
         Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it26/02/12 22:00:00 Jonathan Callaway
            Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it27/02/12 07:57:00 Tim Henderson
               Green buses petition27/02/12 11:01:00 Jonathan Callaway
                  Re:Green buses petition27/02/12 12:25:00 Tim Henderson
                     Re:Re:Green buses petition27/02/12 15:31:00 Matt Palmer
                        Re:Re:Re:Green buses petition27/02/12 17:59:00 Jonathan Callaway
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Green buses petition29/02/12 10:15:00 Roland Gilmore
            Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it07/03/12 15:42:00 Richard Hodges
               Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it10/03/12 12:24:00 Jonathan Callaway
         Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it02/03/12 10:09:00 Janis Humberstone
         Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it16/03/12 17:58:00 Janis Humberstone
      Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it02/03/12 00:15:00 Guy Sunda
         Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it02/03/12 13:04:00 Jon Irwin
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it02/03/12 15:48:00 Rufus Hill
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it02/03/12 23:40:00 Guy Sunda
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it03/03/12 19:03:00 Roland Gilmore
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it04/03/12 10:21:00 Elizabeth Balsom
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it04/03/12 10:49:00 Tim Henderson
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it06/03/12 01:04:00 Guy Sunda
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Public Meeting "Out of breath?" - Air quality in Wandsworth, the facts & what's being done about it06/03/12 10:25:00 Tim Henderson
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                     Re:Vehicle Air Pollution: Health Effects07/03/12 21:09:00 Jonathan Callaway
                        Re:Re:Vehicle Air Pollution: Health Effects08/03/12 08:27:00 Tim Henderson
                           Re:Re:Re:Vehicle Air Pollution: Health Effects09/03/12 06:43:00 Roland Gilmore
                        Re:Vehicle Air Pollution: Health Effects09/03/12 15:45:00 Richard Hodges
   No-idling Enforcement10/03/12 10:07:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:No-idling Enforcement10/03/12 12:26:00 Jonathan Callaway
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      air quality and Putney Green Primary school proposal31/03/12 09:54:00 John Cameron
         Re:air quality and Putney Green Primary school proposal31/03/12 09:57:00 Andy Howard
            Re:Re:air quality and Putney Green Primary school proposal31/03/12 11:24:00 Jonathan Callaway
               Re:Re:Re:air quality and Putney Green Primary school proposal31/03/12 16:09:00 Roland Gilmore
               Re:Re:Re:air quality and Putney Green Primary school proposal31/03/12 20:16:00 Tim Henderson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:air quality and Putney Green Primary school proposal01/04/12 08:22:00 Roland Gilmore
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