Forum Message

Topic: Re:Where have all the bins gone?
Posted by: Roy Robart
Date/Time: 22/06/16 16:29:00

Here's the reply I received today to my own complaint:

"Wandsworth has always had a policy of placing litter bins only on streets that are cleaned once a day.

For the purposes of street cleansing Dover House Road is cleaned at the following frequency:

Dover House Road
Up Richmond Rd - Huntingfield Rd
1 x Daily

Dover House Road
Crestway - Huntingfield Rd

Dover House Road
Putney Heath – Crestway

Only one section is cleaned daily and therefore eligible for litter bins.

It has become apparent that over time a number of litter bins have been placed on roads not scheduled to have litter bins.

It may well be that these bins would have been installed to appease residents and other complainants but nevertheless were done so incorrectly and are now being removed.

The thing about the litter bins being installed inappropriately is that they create other problems when inconsiderate residents fill them full of their own rubbish, leave black sacks around them or even worse trade waste, all of which can be tackled in other ways.

There is never an excuse for dropping litter.

I have noted the point you raise about the lack of street cleansing and am disappointed by this but thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I will arrange for inspections to take place on Wednesday after cleansing this week to ensure a through clean is being carried out.

The article in the Brightside was not specifically addressing litter issues more that of the increasing number of fly tips we are being asked to clear each year and was to inform residents of increased enforcement activity in fly tipping hot spots, the new team can be directed when and wherever needed as they will fine and or prosecute those found littering or fly tipping.  I will ask that the Dover House Road and Putney Heath areas are included now on their patrols.


Sharon Wright

Waste Manager"

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Where have all the bins gone?27/05/16 14:26:00 Kirsty Riddiford
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?27/05/16 14:40:00 Jon Roberts
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?27/05/16 14:43:00 Roy Robart
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?27/05/16 23:45:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?28/05/16 09:43:00 David Ainsworth
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?28/05/16 10:28:00 Chris Smith
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?28/05/16 10:58:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?28/05/16 17:26:00 Jemma Taylor
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 09:49:00 Sue Hammond
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 09:52:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 10:03:00 Alexander MacLeod
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 11:43:00 David Austin
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 12:43:00 David Ainsworth
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 13:45:00 Sue Hammond
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?29/05/16 23:00:00 Caroline Whitehead
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?30/05/16 00:10:00 Dave Roberts
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?06/06/16 12:01:00 Lyn Saron
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?17/06/16 22:41:00 Jenny Featherstone
         Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?18/06/16 02:29:00 Nick Gulliford
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?18/06/16 12:32:00 Rose Compton
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?18/06/16 10:38:00 Brian Cheves
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?18/06/16 13:38:00 Catherine Schade
         Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?19/06/16 12:22:00 Roy Robart
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?19/06/16 12:27:00 James Elder
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?19/06/16 12:40:00 Roy Robart
         Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?22/06/16 14:32:00 Rose Compton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?22/06/16 15:24:00 Sue Hammond
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?22/06/16 16:29:00 Roy Robart
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?22/06/16 16:46:00 Roland Willis Gilmore
         Told you so22/06/16 18:44:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
   Re:Where have all the bins gone?06/07/16 10:26:00 Alan Sherman
      Response from the council06/07/16 11:54:00 PutneySW15 Editor
         Re:Response from the council06/07/16 12:45:00 Sam Curtis
      Re:Re:Where have all the bins gone?06/07/16 13:04:00 Malcolm Grimston
         Rapid Response cleaning team07/07/16 11:18:00 Roy Robart
            Re:Rapid Response cleaning team07/07/16 18:28:00 Guy Sunda
               Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team08/07/16 12:56:00 Nick Gulliford
                  Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team08/07/16 13:41:00 Sue Hammond
                  Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team08/07/16 13:45:00 Kirsty Riddiford
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team08/07/16 15:56:00 Vic Condon
                  Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team08/07/16 17:27:00 Patricia Poulter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team09/07/16 19:34:00 Guy Sunda
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team09/07/16 19:38:00 Guy Sunda
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team09/07/16 19:57:00 Vic Condon
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team10/07/16 17:23:00 Guy Sunda
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Rapid Response cleaning team10/07/16 18:10:00 Vic Condon

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