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Topic: Re:BA;:Stuart King's condemnation
Posted by: Elizabeth Balsom
Date/Time: 23/03/10 12:28:00

I'm heartened by Richard's indication that my difficulty in accessing Mr King's views on Heathrow is not just down to computer ineptitude. My computer confidence is always in need of a boost!
I agree 100% with Guy that it's astonishing that a government is prepared to inflict aircraft noise and pollution on a sizeable chunk of its citizens - and  block MPs' attempts to discover the facts on pollution. I'm afraid my kneejerk reaction is to recall Stalin's collectivisation of the kulaks.

Guy is also right to mention the possiblity of an air incident. I was very impressed when Alan Johnson announced there would be total body scanners at UK airports to prevent the likelihood of a Detroit style bomber boarding a plane in the UK. But as the planes fly over my house at 2000ft every 82 seconds I think, 'what's the point unless he denies access to UK airspace to planes originating from airports lacking similar security checks?'

After watching Channel 4's Dispatches last night I'm filled with utter revulsion and despair. After all, both Byers and Hoon approved expansion at Heathrow that will further blight our lives. During the 'consultation' process I, along with people from other affected constituencies, attended a meeting with Hoon in the House of Commons. (He declined to come to Putney to face a whole bunch of us.) Head teachers from Hounslow primary schools were also there, trying to explain how aircraft noise affects their pupils, but to no avail. Hoon trotted out the Future Heathrow slogan 'Frankfurt's got three runways, so we want three'. I asked him how many people live under the flight path to Frankfurt. He did not know. Said he'd write to me with the info. but of course he never did. I find it interesting that he would use this argument, yet not know the facts.

As for Unite, the strike has meant fewer planes disturbing my peace at 4.40 am. Almost as effective as the glorious east wind which brought days of respite earlier this month.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Stuart King's condemnation18/03/10 22:47:00 Jim Maddan
   Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 00:02:00 Matt Palmer
   Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 07:53:00 Stuart King
      Stuart King he's got the name..19/03/10 11:56:00 Guy Sunda
      Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 12:11:00 Craig Fordham
         Re:Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 12:25:00 Adam Tripp
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 13:05:00 Suzanne Taylor
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 14:34:00 Richard Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation20/03/10 11:01:00 Guy Sunda
      Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 13:46:00 Mark Smith
   Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 13:35:00 Martin Hime
      Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 13:42:00 Simon Knight
   Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 15:28:00 Leslie McDonnell
      Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 16:54:00 Roland Gilmore
         Re:Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 17:21:00 Alex Lamont
   Re:Stuart King's condemnation19/03/10 21:18:00 Alan Thomson
   Re:Stuart King's condemnation20/03/10 21:47:00 Elizabeth Balsom
      Re:Re:Stuart King's condemnation21/03/10 07:40:00 Richard Carter
         BA;:Stuart King's condemnation22/03/10 17:56:00 Guy Sunda
            Re:BA;:Stuart King's condemnation22/03/10 21:25:00 Leslie McDonnell
               Re:Re:BA;:Stuart King's condemnation23/03/10 01:13:00 Roland Gilmore
                  Re:Re:Re:BA;:Stuart King's condemnation23/03/10 06:36:00 Leslie McDonnell
            Re:BA;:Stuart King's condemnation23/03/10 12:28:00 Elizabeth Balsom
               Re:Re:BA;:Stuart King's condemnation26/03/10 13:57:00 Guy Sunda

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