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Topic: Re:Freedom Pass renewal
Posted by: Sandra Edwards
Date/Time: 05/01/10 18:34:00

Many thanks for all your helpful information James.   I  was unable to navigate the Adobe route to achieve a form online.  Rather than trek to our only Putney post office today, only to find they were still "owt" of stock of application forms, I phoned the relevant department at WBC.   I was informed (by a somewhat uninformed staff member) that the Council held NONE of the much desired forms whatsoever, and that I should 'try' the post office later this week when they 'might' have some available!   Seriously lost my cool at this stage, and asked to be put through to a supervisor.   She then very helpfully agreed put two of the coveted forms into the post this afternoon, 1st Class.   Let us see.....   (I need the second form for a very elderly neighbour).

Oh for the days when we could so comfortably apply either at the Library or St Mary's Church.   And as for getting the photo to fit the exacting specifications, well I just see more hassle looming!   Why have WBC turned the machinations into such a saga? 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Freedom Pass renewal02/01/10 14:21:00 James Dixon
   Re:Freedom Pass renewal02/01/10 22:13:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal03/01/10 12:11:00 James Dixon
         Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal03/01/10 12:44:00 Martin Hime
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal03/01/10 13:43:00 Martine Guy
   Re:Freedom Pass renewal04/01/10 14:53:00 Caroline Whitehead
      Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal04/01/10 16:48:00 James Dixon
         Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal - a warning04/01/10 23:44:00 Richard Carter
   Re:Freedom Pass renewal04/01/10 19:40:00 Caroline Whitehead
      Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal05/01/10 17:58:00 James Dixon
   Re:Freedom Pass renewal05/01/10 18:34:00 Sandra Edwards
      Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal05/01/10 18:46:00 James Dixon
         Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal07/01/10 16:44:00 Richard Jennings
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal07/01/10 17:14:00 James Dixon
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal09/01/10 22:10:00 Richard Jennings
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal14/01/10 16:46:00 James Dixon
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal14/01/10 18:06:00 Jonathan Callaway
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Freedom Pass renewal14/01/10 22:57:00 Richard Jennings

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