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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up
Posted by: Andy Howard
Date/Time: 24/05/14 23:22:00

Richard, that would be a very irrelevant graph to plot, what you would need to examine is the interplay between population and the number of houses available for them and then consider the effect of that on house prices. If you simply look at the population and the price of a house, without considering the number of houses available for the population to live in, you are missing the point.

I thought from your earlier comment you had appreciated the link between excess of supply over demand and house prices (a pretty obvious concept to grasp), now I am not so sure.

For that matter, your solution was to build more social housing. Certainly that would be a start. Many of us though, do not live in social housing and the price rises we are bemoaning, are those of the private housing stock. At the margin, if you were to build enough social housing, enough peple would go and live in them to take the pressure of excess demand for non-social housing (not sure how you fund this though). Surely a more direct and quicker acting solution would be to encourage the construction of greater numbers of both - albeit this might require a more constructive dialogue with developers than you seem to envisage. 

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 08:45:00 Richard Carter
   Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 10:09:00 David Ainsworth
      Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 10:25:00 Andy Howard
         Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 11:37:00 Adam Tripp
            Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 15:19:00 Roland Gilmore
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 15:41:00 Richard Carter
            Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 15:19:00 Roland Gilmore
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 15:43:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
   Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 16:32:00 Peter Higgins
      Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 16:40:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 16:47:00 Richard Carter
            Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 17:27:00 Peter Higgins
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 18:01:00 Andy Howard
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 18:11:00 Nicholas Evans
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 18:26:00 Andy Howard
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 19:57:00 Richard Carter
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 20:39:00 Peter Higgins
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 22:12:00 David Ainsworth
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 22:55:00 Andy Howard
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 22:59:00 Richard Carter
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up24/05/14 23:22:00 Andy Howard
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:House prices in Wandsworth just keep going up25/05/14 11:04:00 Richard Carter
   PS re foreign housebuyers24/05/14 22:58:00 Andy Howard
      Re:PS re foreign housebuyers25/05/14 00:44:00 Robert Wheeler
         Re:Re:PS re foreign housebuyers25/05/14 10:09:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
         Re:Re:PS re foreign housebuyers25/05/14 10:29:00 David Ainsworth

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