Forum Message

Topic: Re:Aircraft noise thresholds
Posted by: Tim Henderson
Date/Time: 25/03/13 11:03:00

It could well be "bad news buried".

It seems a lot of the new ideas in the draft have been parked - it isn't the right time to introduce them now, further consideration should take place by the Davies Commission, the government is committed to reducing not increasing regulation.....

And if you glance at the report on the consultation responses. it seems as if the aviation industry has swayed the outcome of many of the questions.

" 3.17 We will continue to treat the 57dB LAeq 16 hour contour as the average
level of daytime aircraft noise marking the approximate onset of significant
community annoyance. However, this does not mean that all people within
this contour will experience significant adverse effects from aircraft noise.
Nor does it mean that no-one outside of this contour will consider
themselves annoyed by aircraft noise."

So Putney remains outside the area of significant community annoyance (in 2011 the 57dB contour just about reached Barnes station).

"As noise levels fall with technology improvements the aviation
industry should be expected to share the benefits from these
" Within the limits set by the envelope, the benefits of future technological improvements should be shared between the airport and its local communities to achieve a balance between growth and noise reduction."

"Information and communication
3.33 At all airports, the key principle should be that airports act as good
neighbours so that local communities have confidence that airport
operators take their noise impacts seriously. This requires airports to be
open and transparent in their communications."

"We commend voluntary approaches such as the curfew at Heathrow which
ensures that early morning arrivals do not land before 4.30am."

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
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   Re:Heathrow Third runway - again22/03/13 16:41:00 Dave Roberts
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         Re:Re:Re:Heathrow Third runway - again22/03/13 19:27:00 Roland Gilmore
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      Re:Aircraft noise thresholds25/03/13 11:03:00 Tim Henderson
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         Re:Re:Re:Heathrow Third runway - again08/06/13 22:05:00 Tim Henderson

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