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Topic: Putney development, high-rise and localism
Posted by: John Cameron
Date/Time: 02/06/12 06:37:00

If you trawled the websites of the 410 councils in the UK I wonder if you could find a single one where the Planning Committee is a chaired by a property developer.

How can the electorate of Wandsworth have confidence that the Cllr Cuff is going to consider major applications fairly, transparently, impartially etc.

It is, frankly staggering that this can be considered acceptable to Wandwsorth or  Councillors let alone local residents who depend on the PAC to protect them from unwelcome and inappropriate development.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 10:34:00 Nicholas Evans
   Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 10:58:00 Adam Tripp
      Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 13:30:00 Patricia Poulter
   Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 16:15:00 Graham Earl
      Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 18:10:00 Sarah Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 18:59:00 Guy Cameron
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 20:12:00 Graham Earl
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 00:39:00 Sarah Roberts
                  Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 06:37:00 John Cameron
                     Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 09:09:00 Sarah Roberts
                        Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 15:25:00 Roland Gilmore
                           Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 16:36:00 Jason Lynham
   Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 20:57:00 Graham Earl
      Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism03/06/12 00:57:00 Sophie Hamilton
         Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism03/06/12 09:50:00 Sarah Roberts
   Check and double check what you are told by WBC Planning06/06/12 12:32:00 Nicholas Evans
      Re:Check and double check what you are told by WBC Planning10/06/12 22:25:00 Sarah Roberts
   Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 15:00:00 Nicholas Evans
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 15:38:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 17:43:00 Patricia Poulter
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 18:39:00 Mairi Anne Bowen
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 19:03:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 20:08:00 Nicholas Evans
         Re:Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 20:08:00 Roland Gilmore
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW22/06/12 01:45:00 Bonita Jane Awan

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