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Topic: Putney development, high-rise and localism
Posted by: Nicholas Evans
Date/Time: 01/06/12 10:34:00

I was interested to read the summary of the meeting held by the Putney Society. I am glad that some are beginning to wake-up to the damage that over-development is doing to Putney. I have lived in Putney for over 30 years and like being here. I chose this town because it had pleasant open spaces, the river, good local primary schools and buildings in proportion to the roads. I did not want it to become a sort of "Croydon-on-Thames" which is what will happen if the Council's development plan is followed through.

Already our Councillors have approved huge blocks of flats on the river without thought to building the necessary infrastructure to support the influx of people. They have sanctioned the sell-off of school playgrounds for flats, the inappropriate development of Putney Hospital with more flats and a huge primary school, plotted with the Conservators to build new roads on the Common, and have many more 15+ storey buildings in the plan. Putney High Street will become a canyon flanked by high-rises and the Upper Richmond Road ruined. But why am I surprised? After all the Chair or our Planning Applications Committee who nods through these property developments is Nick Cuff, who is himself a property developer working for Essential Land, a specialist in urban development. Just one example of how close our Councillors and their officials are to the property developers who build, make millions and then move on.

It is time that our representatives, town planners and officials consulted residents about how to retain what is best in Putney and to allow only appropriate development that is in proportion to what we have already. Should we build on brown field sites? Yes, let's allow building, but of a size that enhances the environment not damages it. Or in five years we really will be trapped in "Croydon-on-Thames".


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 10:34:00 Nicholas Evans
   Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 10:58:00 Adam Tripp
      Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 13:30:00 Patricia Poulter
   Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 16:15:00 Graham Earl
      Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 18:10:00 Sarah Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 18:59:00 Guy Cameron
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism01/06/12 20:12:00 Graham Earl
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 00:39:00 Sarah Roberts
                  Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 06:37:00 John Cameron
                     Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 09:09:00 Sarah Roberts
                        Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 15:25:00 Roland Gilmore
                           Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 16:36:00 Jason Lynham
   Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism02/06/12 20:57:00 Graham Earl
      Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism03/06/12 00:57:00 Sophie Hamilton
         Re:Re:Re:Putney development, high-rise and localism03/06/12 09:50:00 Sarah Roberts
   Check and double check what you are told by WBC Planning06/06/12 12:32:00 Nicholas Evans
      Re:Check and double check what you are told by WBC Planning10/06/12 22:25:00 Sarah Roberts
   Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 15:00:00 Nicholas Evans
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 15:38:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 17:43:00 Patricia Poulter
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 18:39:00 Mairi Anne Bowen
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 19:03:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 20:08:00 Nicholas Evans
         Re:Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW12/06/12 20:08:00 Roland Gilmore
      Re:Putney High Street application 2012/1833 OBJECT NOW22/06/12 01:45:00 Bonita Jane Awan

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