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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?
Posted by: Alison Fraser
Date/Time: 07/11/09 01:19:00

Many thanks for the info Cllr McDonnell. Before I read your post I rang Environmental Services and asked them about the noise levels. The gentlemam I spoke to said that there really isn't anything that can be done, as long as the work was being done within the correct hours, which it is. However, if the noise next week reaches anything like the levels of yesterday then I will immediately call the numbers you've given and get someone round to check the levels. I can honestly say that I have never heard anything quite so loud! Many thanks to everyone for their comments. I have become a convert to this wonderful forum!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 18:39:00 Alison Fraser
   Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 18:57:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 19:33:00 Paul Clements
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 19:56:00 Suzanne Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 20:36:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 11:58:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 14:44:00 Catherine Schade
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 15:26:00 Simon Knight
            Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 15:39:00 Alex Lamont
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 17:37:00 Leslie McDonnell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?07/11/09 01:19:00 Alison Fraser
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 17:46:00 Ian Todd

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