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Topic: Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?
Posted by: Simon Knight
Date/Time: 06/11/09 15:26:00

Alison, you don't have to justify yourself to me!...I was just being "pedantic"...having a bit of fun whilst waiting for the boiler man to show up.

As I said, I don't think the Council will/can do anything if the noise level is necessary (because of tools that have to be used to do the job) and they're being used within acceptable hours.

Whilst this racket is on-going is there perhaps a way of your mum moving back to her house and you stopping there for a bit to look after her?

One other thing: You might want to check for cracks in your plasterwork when they've finished!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 18:39:00 Alison Fraser
   Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 18:57:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 19:33:00 Paul Clements
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 19:56:00 Suzanne Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 20:36:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 11:58:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 14:44:00 Catherine Schade
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 15:26:00 Simon Knight
            Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 15:39:00 Alex Lamont
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 17:37:00 Leslie McDonnell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?07/11/09 01:19:00 Alison Fraser
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 17:46:00 Ian Todd

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