Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?
Posted by: Catherine Schade
Date/Time: 06/11/09 14:44:00

Hi Alison, please can you report back as to what the Council tells you about noise. I'm sure a lot of us would be interested to know, as the whole of Putney seems constantly to be a renovation area.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 18:39:00 Alison Fraser
   Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 18:57:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 19:33:00 Paul Clements
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 19:56:00 Suzanne Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?05/11/09 20:36:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 11:58:00 Alison Fraser
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 14:44:00 Catherine Schade
         Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 15:26:00 Simon Knight
            Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 15:39:00 Alex Lamont
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 17:37:00 Leslie McDonnell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?07/11/09 01:19:00 Alison Fraser
      Re:Re:is there a noise limit to building work being done by neighbours?06/11/09 17:46:00 Ian Todd

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