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Topic: Reply
Posted by: Michael Ixer
Date/Time: 19/06/19 14:11:00

I think the key statement by the judge is: "Mr Hazeldean did fall below the level to be expected of a reasonably competent cyclist in that he did proceed when the road was not completely clear." If the pedestrian had just stepped out directly in front of the cyclist (as in the other cases mentioned in this thread) then it would probably have been ruled entirely the pedestrian's fault but (again with out seeing the detailed report) it looks like the rider misread the potential danger, I'm sure that would also definitely go against any car driver. A couple of decades ago I was at some traffic lights in Chelsea. Someone in the car next to me was obviously going to burn me off, I'd already decided that when the lights changed I was just going to let them go first ... but just before the lights changed a little old lady decided to start crossing the road very slowly. The other driver aborted their racing start and started blasting their horn until little old lady had cleared sufficient of the road for the other car to proceed. However, just as the car was about to accelerate off a couple of police officers on foot (who'd witnessed this) flagged down the other driver. Police officers on foot: must have been in the 80s! 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Strange verdict?18/06/19 21:09:00 David Ainsworth
   Re:Strange verdict?19/06/19 09:36:00 Alex Greenbank
      Re:Re:Strange verdict?19/06/19 09:57:00 David Ainsworth
         Reply19/06/19 10:11:00 Michael Ixer
            Re:Reply19/06/19 10:20:00 Alex Greenbank
               Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 10:27:00 David Ainsworth
            Re:Reply19/06/19 10:39:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:01:00 Simon Knight
               Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:15:00 Richard Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:23:00 Richard Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:34:00 David Ainsworth
                     Reply19/06/19 14:11:00 Michael Ixer
                        Re:Reply19/06/19 14:38:00 David Ainsworth
                           Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 16:09:00 Richard Carter
                              Re:Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 16:12:00 Martine Guy
   Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 08:53:00 Alex Greenbank
      Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 10:49:00 David Ainsworth
         Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 11:58:00 Alex Greenbank
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 12:03:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 12:14:00 Caroline Whitehead
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 14:58:00 Craig Fordham
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 15:00:00 Craig Fordham
                        Cyclist avoids bankruptcy, finally24/02/20 19:13:00 David Ainsworth
                           Re:Cyclist avoids bankruptcy, finally24/02/20 19:37:00 Bunny Payne
                              Re:Re:Cyclist avoids bankruptcy, finally25/02/20 10:33:00 David Ainsworth

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