Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Reply
Posted by: David Ainsworth
Date/Time: 19/06/19 10:27:00

"Also worth noting this recent case is a civil case and will have a lower burden of proof than the Alliston case (which was a criminal case)."

"a lower burden of proof"

And yet the judge may award significant damages against the cyclist.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Strange verdict?18/06/19 21:09:00 David Ainsworth
   Re:Strange verdict?19/06/19 09:36:00 Alex Greenbank
      Re:Re:Strange verdict?19/06/19 09:57:00 David Ainsworth
         Reply19/06/19 10:11:00 Michael Ixer
            Re:Reply19/06/19 10:20:00 Alex Greenbank
               Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 10:27:00 David Ainsworth
            Re:Reply19/06/19 10:39:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:01:00 Simon Knight
               Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:15:00 Richard Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:23:00 Richard Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 11:34:00 David Ainsworth
                     Reply19/06/19 14:11:00 Michael Ixer
                        Re:Reply19/06/19 14:38:00 David Ainsworth
                           Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 16:09:00 Richard Carter
                              Re:Re:Re:Reply19/06/19 16:12:00 Martine Guy
   Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 08:53:00 Alex Greenbank
      Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 10:49:00 David Ainsworth
         Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 11:58:00 Alex Greenbank
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 12:03:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 12:14:00 Caroline Whitehead
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 14:58:00 Craig Fordham
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Strange verdict?21/06/19 15:00:00 Craig Fordham
                        Cyclist avoids bankruptcy, finally24/02/20 19:13:00 David Ainsworth
                           Re:Cyclist avoids bankruptcy, finally24/02/20 19:37:00 Bunny Payne
                              Re:Re:Cyclist avoids bankruptcy, finally25/02/20 10:33:00 David Ainsworth

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