Topic: | Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | |
Posted by: | Barbara Stevens | |
Date/Time: | 26/05/24 09:49:00 |
Most children have left school at 18 yrs. I hope most managed to get a job of some kind. Even evening class for Electrics or some useful trade. Why are pensioners bitching about the youth of today, most have grandchildren and are worried about the youth of today. When I say worried I mean walking down the road without being stabbed, or weirdos influencing them. Or people selling drugs trying to enroll them in selling them. Well lets hope Hospitals do function better, most of us OLD PENSIONERS as you have put it have paid 50 yrs towards it. As for schools teach them cooking, woodwork, electrics. When my son went to Hounslow College in the evening after he had worked all day, One of the teachers didn't know that much and my son and another student, managed to get rid of him and said they weren't learning enough. They knew more than he did. So instead of teachers going on about whether a child is this or that, which we never heard of in our day leave them alone, they pick their own friends. If they are confused about their gender, leave it to their parents. |
Topic | Date Posted | Posted By |
Election Campaigning Has Started! | 23/05/24 19:31:00 | Sue Hammond |
Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 25/05/24 23:45:00 | Sue Hammond |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 00:05:00 | Ed Robinson |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 08:28:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Reply | 26/05/24 11:31:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 12:35:00 | John Hawkes |
Reply | 26/05/24 13:09:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 14:45:00 | John Hawkes |
Reply | 26/05/24 16:50:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 09:03:00 | Michael Brigo |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 09:48:00 | Ed Robinson |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 09:49:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Reply | 26/05/24 10:17:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 10:32:00 | Lucille Grant |
Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 10:38:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Reply | 26/05/24 10:46:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 11:32:00 | John Hawkes |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 10:50:00 | Andy Pike |
Reply | 26/05/24 11:01:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 12:02:00 | Ivonne Holliday |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 13:23:00 | Andy Pike |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 12:04:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 26/05/24 12:23:00 | Lucille Grant |
Reply | 26/05/24 13:14:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 14:11:00 | Sue Hammond |
Reply | 26/05/24 14:40:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 15:28:00 | Sue Hammond |
Reply | 26/05/24 16:09:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 16:47:00 | Richard Carter |
Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 10:16:00 | John Hawkes |
Reply | 26/05/24 16:54:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 17:13:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 17:34:00 | Sue Hammond |
Reply | 26/05/24 19:20:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 20:24:00 | Ed Robinson |
Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 15:42:00 | John Kettlekey |
Re:Reply | 26/05/24 21:19:00 | Richard Carter |
Re:Reply | 27/05/24 10:12:00 | Lucille Grant |
Reply | 27/05/24 10:37:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 09:03:00 | Richard Carter |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 10:27:00 | Lucille Grant |
Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 11:02:00 | Richard Carter |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 10:29:00 | Andy Pike |
Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 10:39:00 | John Hawkes |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 10:36:00 | John Hawkes |
Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 11:03:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 11:33:00 | Lucille Grant |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 12:09:00 | Richard Carter |
Reply | 27/05/24 12:10:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 27/05/24 13:43:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 13:46:00 | Ivonne Holliday |
Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 14:07:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 15:12:00 | Ed Robinson |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 15:38:00 | John Hawkes |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 15:56:00 | John Hawkes |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 17:54:00 | Ed Robinson |
Reply | 27/05/24 18:22:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 16:22:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 15:37:00 | Jane Carter |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 27/05/24 15:54:00 | Ed Robinson |
Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 20:56:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 21:38:00 | Jonathan Callaway |
Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 22:58:00 | Jane Carter |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 27/05/24 23:03:00 | Andy Pike |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 28/05/24 08:04:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 28/05/24 08:26:00 | Andy Pike |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 28/05/24 10:26:00 | John Kettlekey |
Reply | 28/05/24 11:59:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 28/05/24 08:36:00 | Jonathan Callaway |
Reply | 27/05/24 23:33:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 27/05/24 23:55:00 | Ed Robinson |
Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 00:42:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 08:20:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 10:52:00 | Richard Carter |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 11:25:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 11:50:00 | Richard Carter |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 12:51:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 12:05:00 | John Kettlekey |
Reply | 28/05/24 12:15:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 12:33:00 | Ivonne Holliday |
Reply | 28/05/24 12:10:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 28/05/24 12:57:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Reply | 28/05/24 00:14:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 28/05/24 08:26:00 | Steven Rose |
Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 10:17:00 | John Kettlekey |
Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 13:35:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 13:59:00 | John Kettlekey |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 15:57:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 16:14:00 | John Kettlekey |
Reply | 28/05/24 16:34:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 16:34:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 17:04:00 | John Kettlekey |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 17:14:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Reply | 28/05/24 17:37:00 | Martine Guy |
Re:Reply | 28/05/24 17:42:00 | Lucille Grant |
Re:Re:Reply | 28/05/24 18:20:00 | Barbara Stevens |
Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 28/05/24 17:46:00 | John Kettlekey |
Re:Re:Election Campaigning Has Started! | 28/05/24 18:15:00 | Steven Rose |
Reply | 29/05/24 11:49:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 29/05/24 12:08:00 | Lucille Grant |
Re:Re:Reply | 29/05/24 12:25:00 | Michael Brigo |
Reply | 29/05/24 18:37:00 | Michael Ixer |
Reply | 30/05/24 08:57:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 30/05/24 09:24:00 | Lucille Grant |
Reply | 30/05/24 10:03:00 | Michael Ixer |
Re:Reply | 30/05/24 10:14:00 | Lucille Grant |