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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)
Posted by: John Cameron
Date/Time: 13/10/17 22:11:00

An application to ‘list’ the playing fields as an Asset of Community Value would be straightforward enough, and as the playing fields meet the criteria, listing would be a certainty.  The council’s website provides all the infomation needed, the process is straightforward.

However, granting ACV status won’t necessarily have an impact on the sell off.  There is no ‘change of use’, nor is there a suggestion that the playing fields will be lost. ACV status does not give the community any rights, apart from a moratorium (in the event of a sale) for 6 months, to enable community purchasers time to negotiate a purchase. The community does not have a ‘right to buy’, (unless they are in Scotland).

What would be interesting to understand is the process by which the ‘purchasers’ acquisition of the playing fields was managed.  Do the purchasers intend to operate the playing fields commercially?  What is the benefit to the community of a new owner? 

The benefit to WBC of saving £50k is neither here nor there, so what is the logic of the deal?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 11:23:00 Anatole Beams
   Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 12:00:00 Anatole Beams
      Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 12:12:00 Caroline Whitehead
         Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 13:35:00 Anatole Beams
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 14:21:00 Caroline Whitehead
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 16:03:00 Nicholas Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)30/09/17 21:48:00 Emma Blackwell
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)01/10/17 21:53:00 Alan Sherman
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)13/10/17 15:09:00 Matt Palmer
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)13/10/17 15:29:00 Emma Blackwell
   Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)13/10/17 16:33:00 Anne Kearns
      Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)13/10/17 20:02:00 Alan Sherman
         Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)13/10/17 22:11:00 John Cameron
   Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)08/11/17 18:15:00 Stuart Moffatt
      Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)08/11/17 19:36:00 Alan Sherman
         Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)09/11/17 05:14:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
            Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road) - council announcement09/11/17 10:32:00 Anatole Beams
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)10/11/17 10:28:00 Sarah Wilton
   Re:Roehampton playing fields (Dover House Road)09/11/17 11:18:00 steve Andrews
      Roehampton Playing Fields - Asset of Community Value09/11/17 11:40:00 John Cameron
         Re:Roehampton Playing Fields - Asset of Community Value09/11/17 15:05:00 steve Andrews
            Re:Re:Roehampton Playing Fields - Asset of Community Value09/11/17 15:52:00 Alan Sherman
               Re:Re:Re:Roehampton Playing Fields - Asset of Community Value21/11/17 19:24:00 Alan Sherman
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton Playing Fields - Asset of Community Value22/11/17 20:48:00 John Horrocks
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Roehampton Playing Fields - Asset of Community Value24/11/17 06:17:00 Chantal Blake-Milton

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