Craig, it's very easy (as I've said elsewhere on this forum) to ridicule other people's arguments if you distort them enough as to make them sound ridiculous, and this includes setting up a flase antithesis (Progress vs Reaction). There is no "current hysterical green lobby," and no one is saying that "we should live in the airing cupboard and never venture out." That's simply a nonsense and it demeans you that you, apparently seriously, make this kind of distortion.
What I have been trying to argue is that we need to reduce our dependence on the petrol-driven car (please note: REDUCE, not eliminate altogether). The idea of environmentally-friendly fuels is fine, but that's all they are yet, an idea, and there's not much point in basing our urban planning on something that simply doesn't exist yet. And in any case, no environmentally-friendly fuels will do anything to reduce road congestion, unless your thinking outside the box includes teleportation....