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Topic: Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court
Posted by: Roland Gilmore
Date/Time: 23/12/10 11:31:00

Yes, but the viewpoints can be subjectively chosen and may not be an actual viewpoint in reality. The views from afar are not as significant to residents as those in the shadow of the proposed development or those who would loose the pleasure of their current view. Taking into account the topography, to view "Swish" against the proposed development, you would probably need to be in a multi-storey building in Wandsworth, Fulham or Chelsea! Has the developer produced and submitted a simulation of the seasonal day time shadow his proposals will cause?

After a landmark case in Leeds earlier this year, it is worth noting that if the light your property currently receives is affected (i.e. if the towers reduce the daylight your property receives currently) you may be successfull in suing the developer. The Leeds ruling resulted in the developer having to demolish most of the upper stories of his completed & occupied development. They also had to suffer the costs of obtaining additional accommodation for their tenant.

Perversely, if WBC or any planning authority grants planning permission, they have no subsequent liability if action is taken against the developer in such circumstances. The developer carries the risk. The estimated costs in the Leeds case amounted to many £M.

If you feel your property will be adversely affected, you should seek advice from a specialist surveyor in the first instance; the RICS can recommend. A "class action" obviously helps to spread the cost.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court22/12/10 21:00:00 Patricia Poulter
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 08:39:00 Thomas de Wijn
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 10:05:00 Leslie McDonnell
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 11:31:00 Roland Gilmore
            13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 11:48:00 Isabel Wooller
               Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 12:54:00 Roland Gilmore
         13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 11:32:00 Isabel Wooller
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:02:00 Neil McEachran
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:10:00 Alan Thomson
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:30:00 Patricia Poulter
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:13:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:28:00 Neil McEachran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:35:00 Patricia Poulter
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 19:47:00 Leslie McDonnell
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 21:03:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 23:58:00 John Chambers
            13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 12:46:00 Isabel Wooller
               Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 12:57:00 Jonathan Callaway
               Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 17:48:00 Leslie McDonnell
            Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 17:20:00 Alan Thomson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 18:27:00 John Chambers
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court29/12/10 15:44:00 Roland Gilmore
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court03/01/11 17:32:00 Gregory Edelston
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 00:06:00 John Chambers
                           13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 12:38:00 Suzanne Taylor
                              Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 16:21:00 Roland Gilmore
                              Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 16:26:00 Suzanne Taylor
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court05/01/11 16:21:00 Adam Bailey
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court05/01/11 19:51:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court06/01/11 14:32:00 Guy Sunda
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 12:48:00 Adam Bailey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 14:46:00 Guy Sunda
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 15:28:00 Patricia Poulter
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 15:37:00 Neil McEachran
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 16:07:00 Patricia Poulter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 17:39:00 Neil McEachran
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 17:50:00 Patricia Poulter
                           Is the Capsticks building that ugly? 07/01/11 20:08:00 Isabel Wooller
            Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court17/01/11 11:18:00 Adam Bailey
               Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court17/01/11 11:39:00 Neil McEachran

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