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Topic: Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court
Posted by: Leslie McDonnell
Date/Time: 23/12/10 10:05:00

Wholly objectively Computer Generated Images (CGIs) are compiled independently by specialist firms, are certified as correct by the firms producing them, and are incidentally very expensive to produce. They are far more accurate than photomontages which are usually produced by the developer or its agent and are occasionally very selective in what they depict. That is not to say of course thaat CGIs are not manufactured to show a potential development from its very best sitelines.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court22/12/10 21:00:00 Patricia Poulter
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 08:39:00 Thomas de Wijn
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 10:05:00 Leslie McDonnell
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 11:31:00 Roland Gilmore
            13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 11:48:00 Isabel Wooller
               Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 12:54:00 Roland Gilmore
         13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 11:32:00 Isabel Wooller
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:02:00 Neil McEachran
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:10:00 Alan Thomson
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:30:00 Patricia Poulter
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:13:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:28:00 Neil McEachran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 18:35:00 Patricia Poulter
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 19:47:00 Leslie McDonnell
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 21:03:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court23/12/10 23:58:00 John Chambers
            13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 12:46:00 Isabel Wooller
               Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 12:57:00 Jonathan Callaway
               Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 17:48:00 Leslie McDonnell
            Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 17:20:00 Alan Thomson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court24/12/10 18:27:00 John Chambers
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court29/12/10 15:44:00 Roland Gilmore
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court03/01/11 17:32:00 Gregory Edelston
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 00:06:00 John Chambers
                           13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 12:38:00 Suzanne Taylor
                              Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 16:21:00 Roland Gilmore
                              Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court04/01/11 16:26:00 Suzanne Taylor
   Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court05/01/11 16:21:00 Adam Bailey
      Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court05/01/11 19:51:00 Patricia Poulter
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court06/01/11 14:32:00 Guy Sunda
         Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 12:48:00 Adam Bailey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 14:46:00 Guy Sunda
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 15:28:00 Patricia Poulter
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 15:37:00 Neil McEachran
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 16:07:00 Patricia Poulter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 17:39:00 Neil McEachran
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court07/01/11 17:50:00 Patricia Poulter
                           Is the Capsticks building that ugly? 07/01/11 20:08:00 Isabel Wooller
            Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court17/01/11 11:18:00 Adam Bailey
               Re:Re:13 storeys for Capsticks and Carlton Court17/01/11 11:39:00 Neil McEachran

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