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Topic: Re:Election Hustings tonight.
Posted by: John Gorst
Date/Time: 04/12/19 11:03:00

I guess from the comments on this thread that it just goes to prove that we all see and hear what we want to see and hear. 

It sounds like the Putney hustings was a lot more animated than the Southfields hustings I attended last week.  There was certainly no heckling, rudeness or interruptions from the audience. 

My take on it in Southfields was:
1) All the candidates spoke well.  They are more comparable than a hustings I attended several years ago in Putney, when Justine was so much better (embarrassingly so) than the Labour candidate at the time. 
2) Both Will and Fleur would make fine local representatives.  At a local politics level, I couldn't really differentiate between them and I think either would be ok.  I therefore have to look at national level policies and unfortunately for Fleur, she's behind a leader who is un-electable, with policies that are far too left wing. 
3) Sue stuck to the party line and Brexit was top of her agenda.  In fact, pretty much all of her agenda.  IMO, there is more to life than Brexit. 
4) Fergal was great.  He's not a professional speaker but did well and he was honest.  Realistically he's not going to win, but good on him for standing!  Well done Fergal.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Election Hustings tonight.03/12/19 21:39:00 Nick Gulliford
   Re:Election Hustings tonight.03/12/19 22:01:00 Paul Game
   Re:Election Hustings tonight.03/12/19 22:03:00 Richard Carter
      Reply03/12/19 22:27:00 Michael Ixer
         Re:Reply03/12/19 23:01:00 David Ainsworth
         Re:Reply03/12/19 23:10:00 Paul Doorly
         Re:Reply04/12/19 09:17:00 Lucille Grant
   Re:Election Hustings tonight.04/12/19 09:01:00 Matt Palmer
   Reply04/12/19 09:04:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Reply04/12/19 09:11:00 Matt Palmer
         Reply04/12/19 10:31:00 Michael Ixer
            Re:Reply04/12/19 11:01:00 Richard Carter
   Re:Election Hustings tonight.04/12/19 11:03:00 John Gorst
      Reply04/12/19 11:20:00 Michael Ixer
         Re:Reply04/12/19 18:56:00 Bunny Payne
            Re:Re:Reply04/12/19 20:05:00 Martine Guy

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