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Topic: Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience
Posted by: Jacqui Murray
Date/Time: 30/01/14 09:45:00

I've been reading comments on the internet.  Some are good but the bad ones are very, very bad.  The same problems seem to be occurring in the Edgware branch.  I've decided to pursue this (not because I've got nothing better to do, by the way) but because I think hard earned money should get what it's paying for, and not contempt such as the Putney manager showed.  I think I've found the managing director's home address, I'm going to drop him a line.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 10:52:00 Jacqui Murray
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 11:11:00 Nick Gulliford
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 11:06:00 Mike Hodgson
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 11:29:00 Jacqui Murray
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 13:45:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 13:46:00 Simon Knight
         Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 14:17:00 Nick Gulliford
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 14:26:00 Simon Knight
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 14:32:00 Sam Curtis
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience26/01/14 14:51:00 Jacqui Murray
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience27/01/14 14:30:00 Ellen Rashbrook
         Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience27/01/14 16:21:00 Matt Palmer
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience27/01/14 17:26:00 Jacqui Murray
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience27/01/14 18:28:00 Matt Palmer
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience30/01/14 09:45:00 Jacqui Murray
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience30/01/14 18:25:00 Matt Palmer
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience31/01/14 07:57:00 Barbara Stevens
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 10:53:00 Jacqui Murray
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 11:07:00 Dave Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 11:10:00 Jacqui Murray
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 11:46:00 Leslie McDonnell
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 14:01:00 Dave Roberts
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 14:18:00 James Elder
         Re:Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience12/02/14 14:42:00 Andy Howard
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience15/02/14 06:08:00 Timothy Horgan
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience15/02/14 09:07:00 Bill Christie
         Re Hygiene Star Ratings17/02/14 10:16:00 Vic Condon
            Re:Re Hygiene Star Ratings17/02/14 10:38:00 Leslie McDonnell
               EHN online, October 201317/02/14 10:52:00 John Cameron
                  Hygiene Star Ratings17/02/14 11:08:00 Adrian Pearce
                     Re:Hygiene Star Ratings17/02/14 11:33:00 Alan Sherman
                        Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings17/02/14 14:38:00 Helena Smith
                        Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings17/02/14 16:22:00 Adam Gray
                           Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings25/02/14 09:56:00 Jacqui Murray
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings25/02/14 10:50:00 Matt Palmer
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings25/02/14 10:54:00 Jacqui Murray
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings25/02/14 11:06:00 Matt Palmer
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings25/02/14 12:57:00 Jane Holland
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings25/02/14 13:49:00 Jacqui Murray
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings27/02/14 10:51:00 Jacqui Murray
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings27/02/14 12:12:00 Helena Smith
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings27/02/14 12:14:00 Andrew Taylor
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings27/02/14 12:41:00 Jacqui Murray
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings27/02/14 13:52:00 Helena Smith
                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hygiene Star Ratings27/02/14 14:32:00 Matt Palmer
   Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience28/02/14 08:58:00 Jacqui Murray
      Re:Re:Il Mascalzone restaurant - dreadful experience28/02/14 11:10:00 Barbara Stevens

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