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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold
Posted by: Steven Rose
Date/Time: 15/04/24 15:46:00

Hi Ivonne
I agree with you that the  executive, the legislature and the judiciary should have separate powers. The problem is that the judiciary is increasingly encroaching upon the territory of the legislature, making the law rather than interpreting the law.

I wouldn’t want judges to be elected, as this would inevitably introduce politics into the judiciary. Judges should stay out of politics, which is why I am critical of the growing tendency for judges, particularly those in Europe, to stray into the political arena.  The case highlighted by Allister Heath in his article, where the ECHR decided that countries which fail to decarbonise are in breach of the Convention on the right to family life, is an example.

The problem with the case brought by Gina Miller against the government on the need to seek Parliamentary approval before triggering Article 50 to leave the EU was that the Supreme Court’s intervention was seen by many as selective.  The Supreme Court did not intervene when a largely Remainer House of Commons tried to overturn the result of the Referendum.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Comedy gold13/04/24 15:10:00 Richard Carter
   Re:Comedy gold - not so much14/04/24 10:14:00 Nicholas Evans
      Re:Re:Comedy gold - not so much14/04/24 11:45:00 John Hawkes
         Reply14/04/24 12:09:00 Nicholas Evans
            Re:Reply14/04/24 13:46:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:Comedy gold - not so much14/04/24 13:01:00 Ivonne Holliday
   Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 11:12:00 John Hawkes
   Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 15:54:00 Steven Rose
      Re:Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 16:55:00 Ivonne Holliday
         Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 20:02:00 Freddie Francis
            Reply14/04/24 20:22:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply14/04/24 21:21:00 Freddie Francis
                  Reply14/04/24 21:30:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply14/04/24 22:05:00 Steven Rose
                        Reply14/04/24 22:29:00 Michael Ixer
                           Re:Reply15/04/24 10:28:00 John Hawkes
                              Reply15/04/24 11:13:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply15/04/24 10:26:00 John Hawkes
                        Reply15/04/24 11:29:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply15/04/24 09:59:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 22:48:00 Richard Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 10:19:00 Steven Rose
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 12:38:00 Ivonne Holliday
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 15:46:00 Steven Rose
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 16:21:00 Ivonne Holliday
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 16:36:00 Richard Carter
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 17:31:00 Steven Rose
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 17:41:00 Ivonne Holliday
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 18:42:00 Steven Rose
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 19:47:00 Ivonne Holliday
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 20:57:00 Steven Rose
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold16/04/24 09:35:00 Ivonne Holliday
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold16/04/24 10:24:00 John Hawkes
                        Reply16/04/24 12:26:00 Michael Ixer
                           Reply16/04/24 13:08:00 Michael Ixer
                              Re:Reply17/04/24 15:46:00 Philippa Bond

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