Forum Message

Topic: Re:Comedy gold
Posted by: John Hawkes
Date/Time: 14/04/24 11:12:00

Mr Carter

'Allister Heath (who edits the Sunday Telegraph) is one of Britain's finest comedians, known for such as "Western civilisation is being driven to oblivion by the false prophets of ‘diversity’" and "Britain is already too far down the road to serfdom to turn back now," but his latest column in sister paper Daily Telegraph is a cracker: "The international Left-wing elites are well on their way to crushing democracy," he jokes. (This was spurred by the decision of that hotbed of wokery the European Court of Human Rights, packed as it is with notorious leftwing extremists.)Hilarious!'

I somehow feel this off the wall post is a rather desperate attempt by you to gain attention.

Somewhat like an ignored four year old standing in the playground and screaming "poo, wee, bum, knickers" !

Still now you have got it off your chest go back into the class room and finish off your 'Janet or John go to the 'Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust' book.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Comedy gold13/04/24 15:10:00 Richard Carter
   Re:Comedy gold - not so much14/04/24 10:14:00 Nicholas Evans
      Re:Re:Comedy gold - not so much14/04/24 11:45:00 John Hawkes
         Reply14/04/24 12:09:00 Nicholas Evans
            Re:Reply14/04/24 13:46:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:Comedy gold - not so much14/04/24 13:01:00 Ivonne Holliday
   Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 11:12:00 John Hawkes
   Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 15:54:00 Steven Rose
      Re:Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 16:55:00 Ivonne Holliday
         Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 20:02:00 Freddie Francis
            Reply14/04/24 20:22:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply14/04/24 21:21:00 Freddie Francis
                  Reply14/04/24 21:30:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply14/04/24 22:05:00 Steven Rose
                        Reply14/04/24 22:29:00 Michael Ixer
                           Re:Reply15/04/24 10:28:00 John Hawkes
                              Reply15/04/24 11:13:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply15/04/24 10:26:00 John Hawkes
                        Reply15/04/24 11:29:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply15/04/24 09:59:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:Comedy gold14/04/24 22:48:00 Richard Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 10:19:00 Steven Rose
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 12:38:00 Ivonne Holliday
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 15:46:00 Steven Rose
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 16:21:00 Ivonne Holliday
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 16:36:00 Richard Carter
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 17:31:00 Steven Rose
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 17:41:00 Ivonne Holliday
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 18:42:00 Steven Rose
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 19:47:00 Ivonne Holliday
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold15/04/24 20:57:00 Steven Rose
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold16/04/24 09:35:00 Ivonne Holliday
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comedy gold16/04/24 10:24:00 John Hawkes
                        Reply16/04/24 12:26:00 Michael Ixer
                           Reply16/04/24 13:08:00 Michael Ixer
                              Re:Reply17/04/24 15:46:00 Philippa Bond

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