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Topic: Re:Reply
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 04/06/22 17:58:00

I'm sure they are still trying their best to get as many people as possible onto Direct Debit and smart meters who aren't already as it was something the Govt required of energy providers. It doesn't work for everyone and smart meters don't work everywhere - although it must be easier for most customers and definitely is for the companies concerned.

They are also supposed by law I think to have a  meter reading every so often but suddenly were very accusatory about not having  had one although they hadn't actually asked!  Every time we get a bill we read the meter to check against it.  When we knew there was going to be a big hike in price we sent a reading in (as recommended by Martin Lewis) so that we were absolutely up to date and didn't get caught with a very large following bill.

I don't know why they can't get the names right on accounts.  It means they can speak (!) to both partners!  Something they can refuse to do if you are not named.  Sometimes I think it is simply that the IT isn't good enough with adequate space for names - a particular problem with house sharing.

When I wrote in my other post that they often over estimate I should have clarified re Direct Debit as I believe they try and even it out for a whole year ie the same charge for summer and winter..  However I've also read that many customers don't get their payments for over-estimates back when they change providers.  Something to remember and check.

I thought the Citizen's Advice info on fuel bills was good and worth reading.  There is often something new to learn.  Also Age UK.

Good luck.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
OVO Energy01/06/22 12:05:00 Martine Guy
   Reply01/06/22 12:10:00 Martine Guy
   Re:OVO Energy01/06/22 16:15:00 Barbara Stevens
      Reply01/06/22 16:38:00 Martine Guy
         Re:Reply01/06/22 17:21:00 Philippa Bond
            Reply01/06/22 17:25:00 Martine Guy
               Re:Reply05/06/22 13:16:00 Lucille Grant
            Re:Re:Reply01/06/22 21:32:00 Barbara Stevens
         Re:Reply01/06/22 17:23:00 Robert Wheeler
            Reply01/06/22 17:38:00 Martine Guy
               Reply01/06/22 17:47:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply01/06/22 17:48:00 Robert Wheeler
                  Reply01/06/22 18:07:00 Martine Guy
                     Reply01/06/22 18:10:00 Martine Guy
                        Re:Reply04/06/22 17:58:00 Philippa Bond
                           Reply05/06/22 13:43:00 Martine Guy
                              Reply05/06/22 14:03:00 Martine Guy
                              Re:Reply06/06/22 07:55:00 Philippa Bond
                                 Re:Re:Reply06/06/22 09:26:00 Barbara Stevens
                                    Reply06/06/22 10:07:00 Martine Guy
                                       Re:Reply06/06/22 12:34:00 Andy Pike
                                          Reply06/06/22 12:57:00 Martine Guy
                                             Re:Reply06/06/22 14:33:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Reply06/06/22 18:16:00 Maxine Campbell
                  Reply06/06/22 18:55:00 Martine Guy
                  Reply06/06/22 18:55:00 Martine Guy
                     Re:Reply06/06/22 19:07:00 Maxine Campbell
                     Re:Reply10/06/22 18:23:00 Mary McCue
                        Re:Re:Reply20/06/22 07:26:00 Philippa Bond
                        Re:Re:Reply25/06/22 00:50:00 Jenny Featherstone
                           Re:Re:Re:Reply28/06/22 10:12:00 Philippa Bond
                              Reply28/06/22 11:32:00 Martine Guy
                                 Re:Reply27/07/22 12:09:00 Philippa Bond
                                    Reply27/07/22 13:29:00 Michael Ixer
                                       Re:Reply27/07/22 21:09:00 Philippa Bond
                                          Reply27/07/22 21:47:00 Martine Guy
                                             Re:Reply28/07/22 21:15:00 Philippa Bond
                                                Reply04/09/22 19:51:00 Martine Guy
                                                   Re:Reply23/09/22 23:16:00 Philippa Bond
                                                      Reply24/09/22 17:39:00 Martine Guy

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