Forum Message

Topic: Re:Reply
Posted by: Ivonne Holliday
Date/Time: 19/10/19 18:57:00

Hello Michael,
I still believe the whole thing should be stopped, we should go back to the drawing board and do it properly this time.
Proper risk assessments, SWOT style analysis, proper road maps and realistic prospects, for the country this time, not for political party politics.
What happened in 2016 happened then and we cannot change it.  That does not mean we cannot improve things, and things must be improved drastically.
In my analogy, if you build a house on poor foundations, it will collapse at some stage.  This is why Brexit is proving so difficult, the foundations were very poor indeed.
Let us build something please.  Destroying takes minutes, building up - as we know, takes years.  Let us build up properly please.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Caroline Flint19/10/19 12:42:00 Paul Game
   Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 12:52:00 Barbara Shillabeer
   Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 13:04:00 Lucille Grant
      Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 13:13:00 Sue Hammond
      Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 13:19:00 David Parker
         Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 13:23:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 13:58:00 Caroline Whitehead
         Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 14:10:00 Adam Tripp
            Caroline Flint19/10/19 14:23:00 Paul Game
               Reply19/10/19 14:34:00 Michael Ixer
         @David19/10/19 14:42:00 Paul Game
            Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:03:00 Emarisa Battoia
               Re:Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:17:00 Lucille Grant
                  Re:Re:Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:22:00 Emarisa Battoia
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:36:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 20:37:00 Bunny Payne
      @Lucille19/10/19 15:03:00 Paul Game
         Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:19:00 Emarisa Battoia
            Re:Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:41:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:27:00 Lucille Grant
            @Lucille19/10/19 15:42:00 Paul Game
               Re:@Lucille19/10/19 15:57:00 Lucille Grant
                  Re:Re:@Lucille19/10/19 16:35:00 Emarisa Battoia
                     Reply19/10/19 17:35:00 Michael Ixer
                        Re:Reply19/10/19 17:42:00 Lucille Grant
                           Reply19/10/19 17:53:00 Michael Ixer
                              Re:Reply19/10/19 21:29:00 Lucille Grant
   Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 17:23:00 Jonathan Callaway
      Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 17:28:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 17:54:00 Andy Pike
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint19/10/19 17:58:00 Jonathan Callaway
               Reply19/10/19 18:03:00 Michael Ixer
                  Re:Reply19/10/19 18:20:00 Jonathan Callaway
                  Re:Reply19/10/19 18:57:00 Ivonne Holliday
                     Reply19/10/19 19:21:00 Michael Ixer
                        Re:Reply19/10/19 19:34:00 Ivonne Holliday
                        Re:Reply19/10/19 19:39:00 Caroline Whitehead
                           Re:Re:Reply19/10/19 19:50:00 Ivonne Holliday
                              Re:Re:Re:Reply19/10/19 21:21:00 Barbara Shillabeer
                                 Reply19/10/19 21:24:00 Michael Ixer
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply19/10/19 21:33:00 Lucille Grant
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply20/10/19 09:52:00 Barbara Shillabeer
      Re:Re:Caroline Flint20/10/19 12:13:00 Alexander MacLeod
         Re:Re:Re:Caroline Flint20/10/19 13:18:00 Philippa Bond

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