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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight
Posted by: Caroline Whitehead
Date/Time: 06/06/19 22:23:00

Went to the meeting tonight and just managed to get a seat. Yes the Church was packed and Zac Goldsmith had to run the meeting in two parts - the first part ended after about an hour and then we all left and the large number of people queuing outside came in for a rerun. Zac stressed that there will be several more meetings as matters unfold and that Justine and he and other local MPs (who?) will be hoping to lobby the Government for funds when costs are clearer.

On the platform were Zac Goldsmith, a local Councillor, two representatives from TFL - Nick Fairholme who seemed more senior and Bob ? who talked about the buses. Also someone called Paul Murphy who didn't say anything. Zac said that he had invited Hamm & Fulham but they declined; he was very critical of H&F and, given a bit of political bias, I think he was right, as of course they own the Bridge and are central to any action. Mind you they would have come in for a great deal of hostility had they attended. It was quite an angry and vociferous meeting!

It was left to Nick Fairholme from TFL who is working with H&F to explain what is happening. Although there were various suggestions from the floor ranging from  demolishing the Bridge to building a Bailey Bridge alongside, he seemed adamant that the Bridge can and will be repaired. First the damage to the iron and wood structure of the Bridge will have to be assessed and costed which will be clearer by August. Then comes the design process, tendering and then the construction work. All this will take roughly three years. Groans from the floor!

Then Bob ? talked about the Buses and came in for a lot of flak - especially about the 209 and the loss of the 72. He kept assuring us that everything is still under consultation and urged us to look at the website and contribute opinions. The question about extending the 22 to Barnes came up again and he did say that the 485 may become more frequent, but we have heard all that before haven't we? The possibility of running a shuttle from the Bridge to Hammersmith Tube/Bus station was mooted and it seems some rickshaw owners are also interested.

It seems that we are in for a long haul I'm afraid.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight06/06/19 10:20:00 Katrina Black
   Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight06/06/19 19:42:00 Adrian Pearce
      Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight06/06/19 21:01:00 Ivonne Holliday
         Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight06/06/19 21:49:00 Adrian Pearce
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight06/06/19 22:23:00 Caroline Whitehead
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight06/06/19 22:39:00 Ivonne Holliday
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight07/06/19 08:44:00 Nick Gulliford
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight07/06/19 08:51:00 Lucille Grant
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hammersmith Bridge meeting tonight07/06/19 09:30:00 Adrian Pearce
                     TfL's answers to FAQ's on the bus changes07/06/19 09:34:00 Adrian Pearce
                        Re:TfL's answers to FAQ's on the bus changes07/06/19 11:32:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                           Re:Re:TfL's answers to FAQ's on the bus changes07/06/19 12:31:00 Caroline Whitehead
                              Re:Re:Re:TfL's answers to FAQ's on the bus changes07/06/19 22:32:00 Philippa Bond
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:TfL's answers to FAQ's on the bus changes17/06/19 17:05:00 Caroline Whitehead
                                    Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 10:03:00 Adrian Pearce
                                       Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 11:43:00 Caroline Whitehead
                                          Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 11:51:00 Adrian Pearce
                                             Re:Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 12:22:00 Caroline Whitehead
                                                Reply20/06/19 13:35:00 Michael Ixer
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 14:06:00 Adrian Pearce
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 14:18:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 14:37:00 Jane Carter
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 15:06:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                                          Re:Re:Latest Hammersmith Bridge meeting20/06/19 14:05:00 Jane Carter

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