Forum Message

Topic: Re:Here comes the baggage then
Posted by: Malcolm Grimston
Date/Time: 27/06/16 18:46:00

Actually as someone who has been through this (though my partner and I haven't got round to converting our civil partnership into a marriage yet) I think the greatest tribute to how we have changed as a society is that most people do take a 'so what' attitude to news like this. I am happy for Justine (and impressed - how does she find the time with her sterling constituency presence and International Development brief?) but it's not all that interesting, surely - and that's the great thing. I can't remember the last time someone told me they 'supported' my relationship and I would feel horribly patronised if they did.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening25/06/16 18:33:00 Jonty Nicholls
   Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening25/06/16 19:15:00 John Grigg
      Re:Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening25/06/16 19:21:00 I. Wooller
         Re:Re:Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening25/06/16 19:35:00 Sue Hammond
   Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening25/06/16 19:35:00 Tim Lorimer
      Re:Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening27/06/16 07:03:00 Richard Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening27/06/16 09:21:00 Hugh Thompson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Massive Congratulations to Justine Greening27/06/16 09:23:00 Sue Hammond
               Here comes the baggage then27/06/16 11:34:00 Jonty Nicholls
                  Re:Here comes the baggage then27/06/16 18:46:00 Malcolm Grimston
                     Re:Re:Here comes the baggage then27/06/16 19:35:00 Frances Clarke
                        Re:Re:Re:Here comes the baggage then27/06/16 20:00:00 Sue Hammond
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Here comes the baggage then27/06/16 23:01:00 Michael Ixer
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Here comes the baggage then28/06/16 17:46:00 Malcolm Grimston
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Here comes the baggage then28/06/16 18:03:00 Jonty Nicholls
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Here comes the baggage then29/06/16 09:07:00 Malcolm Grimston

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