Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary
Posted by: Adam Gray
Date/Time: 19/11/14 19:39:00

It is, on balance, a good idea. But the way the figures are accounted for isn't entirely transparent. For example, all pension contributions of those the government employs are included in the "welfare" total, when they're not welfare in any sense (not a deliberate attempt to deceive - it's apparently how the civil service has accounted for staff pensions for years, but certainly helpful to Conservative attempts to make people believe benefits are the vast proportion of Iain Duncan Smith's departmental spending).

But yes, just as the public tends to over-estimate the proportion of the population that is from a black or minority ethnic community, they also tend to assert that the government spends far more on things they disapprove of, and far less on things they support.

As for debt servicing, greater than the amount spent on defence, approaching the amount spent on education - and growing.  It's why those claiming that so-called "austerity" is unnecessary are deeply wrong. Just imagine how much more we could spend on services, on tax cuts and on investment  if we did not have to waste money on debt repayment.

The fundamental problem with approximating individuals' tax contributions is that Income Tax and National Insurance are not the only tax streams the government receives: there is no way they can work out how much VAT each of us has paid; or how much Corporation Tax is due to the profits we've helped generate for particular companies; Inheritance Tax etc. So it's a largely notional construct.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 13:38:00 Bunny Payne
   Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 16:16:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 16:38:00 Bunny Payne
         Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 16:49:00 Simon Knight
            Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 17:16:00 Maggie Forbes
               Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 17:34:00 Alan Sherman
                  Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary21/05/24 17:24:00 sam
               Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 19:37:00 Bunny Payne
               Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 19:39:00 Adam Gray
                  Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 23:24:00 Richard Carter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 04:55:00 Adam Gray
                        Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 08:43:00 Maggie Forbes
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 10:28:00 Richard Carter
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 15:17:00 Adam Gray
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary21/11/14 00:28:00 Richard Carter
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary23/11/14 20:10:00 Richard Carter
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary21/05/24 20:48:00 Ed Robinson
   Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 12:35:00 Alison Fraser

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