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Topic: Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary
Posted by: Alan Sherman
Date/Time: 19/11/14 17:34:00

I'd like to see more graphs showing the salary vs tax paid.  Don't see many of those.

Also the break even point for tax paid vs benefit received (not 'benefits'- a broader sense of the term).  It is very hard to show due to the labyrinthine tax and benefits structures.  However there was one story:

"The point at which a household switches from being an overall “taker” to a “giver” is where disposable income, after all taxes and benefits are taken into account, passes a threshold of about £27,000, Smith & Williamson found. This would be where a household’s gross income fell somewhere between £35,000 and £38,000."

From the torygraph:

There were some scary calculations I read somewhere showing how the jump from a person on 30K gets almost nothing extra in their pocket at the end of the month compared to someone on 15k.  I think the scenario involved three kids and lots of tax credit stuff, plus the higher earner was assumed to be paying a mortgage whilst the lower was assumed to be renting so the asset ownership was the differentiator.

The details were probably in some story on universal credit which is an interesting idea in theory.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 13:38:00 Bunny Payne
   Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 16:16:00 Simon Knight
      Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 16:38:00 Bunny Payne
         Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 16:49:00 Simon Knight
            Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 17:16:00 Maggie Forbes
               Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 17:34:00 Alan Sherman
                  Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary21/05/24 17:24:00 sam
               Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 19:37:00 Bunny Payne
               Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 19:39:00 Adam Gray
                  Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary19/11/14 23:24:00 Richard Carter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 04:55:00 Adam Gray
                        Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 08:43:00 Maggie Forbes
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 10:28:00 Richard Carter
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 15:17:00 Adam Gray
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary21/11/14 00:28:00 Richard Carter
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary23/11/14 20:10:00 Richard Carter
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Annual Tax Summary21/05/24 20:48:00 Ed Robinson
   Re:Annual Tax Summary20/11/14 12:35:00 Alison Fraser

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