Forum Message

Topic: Re:Reply
Posted by: John Hawkes
Date/Time: 20/12/24 09:35:00

'This was when Labour was in Opposition. All Liars!??'

It's the sheer bloody two-faced hypocrisy and lying that really sticks in the gullet.

From the 'honest Party'; the 'Party of working people'; the 'saintly ones who look out for others and not themselves, unlike those wicked self-serving Tories'.

Numerous promises ditched 'because of the inherited black hole'.

And the freebies taken that might even had made a Bangladeshi politician blush.

No wonder populism is rightly on the rise.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 15:32:00 Sue Hammond
   Re:Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 15:57:00 Barbara Stevens
   Re:Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 15:58:00 Steven Rose
      Re:Re:Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 16:20:00 Andy Pike
      Re:Re:Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 17:25:00 Jane Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 17:42:00 Steven Rose
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Labour's Christmas List ??18/12/24 17:52:00 Jane Carter
               Reply19/12/24 14:56:00 Sue Hammond
                  Reply19/12/24 16:34:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply19/12/24 18:59:00 Sue Hammond
                        Reply19/12/24 22:24:00 Michael Ixer
   Reply18/12/24 17:41:00 Sue Hammond
      Re:Reply20/12/24 09:35:00 John Hawkes
         Re:Re:Reply21/12/24 12:17:00 Lucille Grant

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