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Topic: W.Guardian article
Posted by: Guy Sunda
Date/Time: 13/06/09 02:45:00

Recession lamed as Putney Hospital budget is squeezed.

The article then goes on to quote NHS Wandsworth [WPCT?]
start quote:
According to NHS Wandsworth the recession has caused the value of residential property to drop and this has made the availability of NHS investment across London uncertain.
End quote.

So that means all NHS investment is tied to Private Finance Initiatives [PFI's] So without any private, commercial investment [whose priority is not health care but profit] from PFI's the hospital ends up as a wasted resource.

On a different note.
A quote from John Horrocks post concerning covenants tying the site to health care.
Start quote:
If, therefore, there are covenants, then it will be for the WPCT to say so and to explain what they are.

I understand that our borough council would like to know what the position is, too.  I am advised that the Borough Solicitor has been asked to write to Ann Radmore, Chief Executive of the WPCT, to clarify the position.  When he gets Ms Radmore's reply, perhaps Councillor Jim Maddan would like to share the information with us.  We would all like to know.

I suspect that, given the passage of time, all evidence of any covenants has been lost.  In any case, it would not be in WPCT's interests to find them!  And who would be in a position to take action to enforce them?

I do hope that Cllr Maddan might be able, in due course, to shed some light on this question.
End quote:

Yes we'd all be interested in seeing, reading these covenants. It would give some clarity to the situation, I'm sure the freedom of information act would mean these documents are available. And any suggestion of these covenants being lost is surely a jest John? You've got me worried now lol!

I'm sure Cllr Jim DTTMIAC Maddan will oblige with enlightening us all. From what I've read on the forum Cllr Jim has been most helpful in responding to issues raised.
Like the thread relating to charges the council add on 'or not' as the case maybe, to the commercial rates for picking up waste.

We must have five to six different waste collectors on Putney High St alone....Anyway I digress.

Y'all have a good day
regards Guy Sunda

Springfield Hospital has money going in and patients going out!
Putney Hospital is secure in it's mismanagement, I'm sure they'll be a biffa improvement or moment tho!....

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 22:28:00 John Horrocks
   Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 22:58:00 Nick Parker
      Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 23:11:00 Suzanne Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 23:47:00 Martin Hime
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital11/06/09 14:28:00 Alison Macdonald
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital11/06/09 17:07:00 John Horrocks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital11/06/09 19:30:00 Bunny Payne
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital12/06/09 17:38:00 Guy Sunda
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital19/06/09 14:42:00 Richard Carter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital22/06/09 19:03:00 John Horrocks
         W.Guardian article13/06/09 02:45:00 Guy Sunda
            Re:W.Guardian article22/06/09 19:44:00 Bunny Payne

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