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Topic: Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital
Posted by: Suzanne Taylor
Date/Time: 03/06/09 23:11:00

Here, here Nick.  The WPCT should be totally ashamed of themselves.  Did no-one on this Board have any contingency plans in case property went down and not up!

Something as large as this must be a matter of our MP to take up immediately.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 22:28:00 John Horrocks
   Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 22:58:00 Nick Parker
      Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 23:11:00 Suzanne Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital03/06/09 23:47:00 Martin Hime
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital11/06/09 14:28:00 Alison Macdonald
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital11/06/09 17:07:00 John Horrocks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital11/06/09 19:30:00 Bunny Payne
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital12/06/09 17:38:00 Guy Sunda
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital19/06/09 14:42:00 Richard Carter
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Today's Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Board meeting - and Putney Hospital22/06/09 19:03:00 John Horrocks
         W.Guardian article13/06/09 02:45:00 Guy Sunda
            Re:W.Guardian article22/06/09 19:44:00 Bunny Payne

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