Forum Message

Topic: Fulham on Next Door Site
Posted by: Barbara Stevens
Date/Time: 25/07/24 07:43:00

Shop assistant has been sacked for taking a bag of stolen goods from a thief, the thief was awarded 5000 for whip lash. The country is getting worse, that's why something needs to be done, it's disgusting.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Fulham on Next Door Site25/07/24 07:43:00 Barbara Stevens
   Re:Fulham on Next Door Site26/07/24 15:32:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Re:Fulham on Next Door Site26/07/24 16:32:00 Barbara Stevens
      Re:Re:Fulham on Next Door Site26/07/24 16:56:00 Ivonne Holliday
         Re:Re:Re:Fulham on Next Door Site27/07/24 10:49:00 John Hawkes
   Re:Fulham on Next Door Site26/07/24 16:54:00 Ivonne Holliday
      Re:Re:Fulham on Next Door Site26/07/24 17:01:00 John Kettlekey
         Re:Re:Re:Fulham on Next Door Site26/07/24 18:45:00 Barbara Stevens
            Reply26/07/24 22:01:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply26/07/24 23:34:00 Ed Robinson
                  Reply26/07/24 23:43:00 Michael Ixer
                     Re:Reply27/07/24 11:31:00 Ed Robinson

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