Forum Message

Topic: Re:Social Distancing - Social Responsibility
Posted by: Ed Robinson
Date/Time: 26/07/21 01:43:00


Conservative gatherings are not really my thing.

However I assume from the title of the events that they are outdoors events.

I have never been to one, do not agree with their policies but unless someone can say why they should not happen I agree with their rights to hold such events.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Social Distancing - Social Responsibility26/07/21 01:32:00 Michael Winstanley
   Re:Social Distancing - Social Responsibility26/07/21 01:43:00 Ed Robinson
      Re:Re:Social Distancing - Social Responsibility26/07/21 07:27:00 Ash Jones
         Re:Re:Re:Social Distancing - Social Responsibility26/07/21 11:58:00 Philippa Bond

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