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Topic: Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street
Posted by: Fross Walters
Date/Time: 24/01/20 10:26:00

It does not matter what you put inside or outside, Putney High Street it is the lousiest most boring High Street in the country, the only reason that people walk through it is because they need to get else where, no major large supermarket, no butchers, no fishmongers, no bakers, no decent deli, no Greek, Chinese, Italian restaurants, no fish and chip shops, all we have is charity and betting shops, lets face it, you can't paint a turd and that is what our High Street is.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Empty shops in the High Street23/01/20 17:02:00 Katrina Black
   Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 00:39:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 09:12:00 Nick Gulliford
      Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 10:26:00 Fross Walters
         Re:Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 10:41:00 Timothy Horgan
         Re:Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 11:05:00 Gabrielle O'Mahoney
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 12:56:00 Bill Christie
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 14:29:00 Gabrielle O'Mahoney
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street24/01/20 16:17:00 Barbara Stevens
   Reply29/01/20 11:14:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Reply29/01/20 16:41:00 Barbara Stevens
         Yet another shop closing 29/01/20 17:06:00 Adrian Pearce
            Re:  If you can't be enticed to the High Street to window shop then30/01/20 19:39:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:  If you can't be enticed to the High Street to window shop then31/01/20 15:35:00 Bill Christie
            Re:Yet another shop closing 30/01/20 19:43:00 Ivonne Holliday
               Re:Re:Yet another shop closing 01/02/20 11:33:00 Lauren Fleet
                  Re:Re:Re:Yet another shop closing 01/02/20 12:06:00 Lucille Grant
   Re:Empty shops in the High Street31/01/20 15:48:00 John Geoffries
      Re:Re:Empty shops in the High Street01/02/20 12:07:00 Lucille Grant

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