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Topic: Re:Listen to the Levy-payers
Posted by: John Cameron
Date/Time: 18/04/19 17:53:00

The only reason that a huge amount of money was wasted was due to the material failings of Lee and the board at the time. When questioned by the Charity Commission they lied to them, and then lied to levy payers and trustees.

The irony is that had Lee et al done their job properly, and obeyed the law they would have had a cool £1m ++ in the kitty, avoided spending £500,000 on lawyers and the fallout of being caught out.

£1.5m of cash, to spend on improving the commons. Lee can moan all he likes, but as a CEO he has been an utter failure. The only reason he is still in his position is because he hijacked the election with the current trustees.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
The wpcc Draw A Line Board Report....15/04/19 15:42:00 John Cameron
   Re:The wpcc Draw A Line Board Report....15/04/19 16:18:00 Ivonne Holliday
      Re:Re:The wpcc Draw A Line Board Report....15/04/19 17:23:00 David Austin
         Re:Re:Re:The wpcc Draw A Line Board Report....16/04/19 08:19:00 John Cameron
            Five Years and Counting 16/04/19 12:21:00 John Cameron
               Re:Five Years and Counting17/04/19 14:23:00 Sarah Roberts
                  Listen to the Levy-payers18/04/19 07:40:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                     Re:Listen to the Levy-payers18/04/19 17:53:00 John Cameron

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