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Topic: Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?
Posted by: Peter Miles
Date/Time: 11/02/19 05:14:00

Personally I would do business with them.But I wouldnt trust them. I've had a number of businesses over the years and have learned NEVER to trust others. I would hope that The Planning Dept consider this when listening to all the misleading guff that applicants bombard them with.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?10/02/19 01:23:00 Mary McCue
   Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 00:29:00 Mary McCue
      Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 02:18:00 Michael Ixer
   Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 05:14:00 Peter Miles
      Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 06:49:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
         Re:Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 09:28:00 Craig Fordham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 20:34:00 Mary McCue
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 21:03:00 Jenny Traynor
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 21:39:00 John Gorst
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 21:42:00 Mary McCue
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pergola Putney - isn't the fundamental question about trust?11/02/19 21:55:00 Martine Guy

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