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Topic: Re:Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application
Posted by: Patricia Poulter
Date/Time: 03/09/10 13:32:00

There are 2 papers on licensing currently up for consultation:

Wandsworth's Draft statement of Licensing policy that can be found at:

Consultation ends 10 september 2010

and the Conservative new paper entitled "Rebalancing the Licensing Act":

Consultation ends 8 september 2010

The key issues are:
The role of representation from local residents
How the applications are publicised
The clear separation between Planning and Licensing
The review of licenses

More worryingly the rejection of the option of "cumulative effect" seems like a missed opportunity. This will be tested if this is approved when each new developer includes one or more drinking establisment and off licences on the URR as is advocated by the planning strategists in their SSAD.

There are significant numbers of establishments operating outside the guideline hours set by the Council at present
The figures make grim reading:
"Prior to the licensing act(2003), 50 premises held licenses allowing the sale of alcohol beyond midnight, it is now 213."
These figures are growing by the day and one can question whether the small changes advocated in Wandsworth's paper will do anything to change that.

Have your say on both documents, these reviews will have an impact on our neighbourhoods as did the introduction of the Licensing Act 2003.  

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application03/09/10 08:52:00 Victoria Diamond
   Re:Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application03/09/10 12:31:00 Mark Curtis
   Re:Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application03/09/10 13:32:00 Patricia Poulter

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