Forum Message

Topic: Re:Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application
Posted by: Mark Curtis
Date/Time: 03/09/10 12:31:00

I have read and commented on the council website. I don't agree with council officers being able to take decisions to extend licenses rather than allowing residents to represent their case or with automatically allowing any outside drinking areas to stay open until 11pm or later. More weight should be given to residents opinions than pub companies.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application03/09/10 08:52:00 Victoria Diamond
   Re:Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application03/09/10 12:31:00 Mark Curtis
   Re:Last chance to comment on the Draft Licensing Application03/09/10 13:32:00 Patricia Poulter

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