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Topic: New Development on Deodar Rd/ Putney Brdge Rd?
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Posted by: Vincent Francois
Date/Time: 03/11/09 23:25:00

Hi all,
Iwas just wondering is some of you know what the new development which is being built on Deodar Road/ Putney Bridge Road next to the School.
Old buildings (I think formerly a warehouse) were destroyed a few months ago andthereis nowa new development being erected. Anyone know what this will be?
There is only one board indicating "Ambleland" on the fence around the construction area but I could not find any information on the web...
Would be good if some of you have the information...

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
New Development on Deodar Rd/ Putney Brdge Rd?03/11/09 23:25:00 Vincent Francois
   New Development on Deodar Rd/ Putney Brdge Rd?04/11/09 13:48:00 Rosemary Torrington

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