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Topic: Reply
Posted by: Michael Ixer
Date/Time: 19/12/24 12:20:00

Well, this is the story, so not a local UK issue:

Reminds me of the commercial part of my Telecoms post grad course with the warnings about how in certain parts of the world "commissions" were expected to facilitate deals - and stories from one of my fellow students, who was a senior director of an African Telecoms service, about the lavishing and sometimes "exotic" entertainment of some east Asian equipment providers during visits of potential suppliers.

Fortunately, it's all a lot more business like in the UK where one has to make declarations of entertainment and gifts, and consider the bottom line.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Anti Corruption Chief under investigation19/12/24 08:01:00 Andy Pike
   Re:Anti Corruption Chief under investigation19/12/24 10:11:00 David Ainsworth
      St Helier Hospital19/12/24 10:25:00 David Ainsworth
      Re:Re:Anti Corruption Chief under investigation19/12/24 10:46:00 Andy Pike
      Re:Re:Anti Corruption Chief under investigation19/12/24 13:32:00 John Hawkes
         Hawkes' Law?19/12/24 15:56:00 Richard Carter
            Re:Hawkes' Law?19/12/24 17:22:00 John Hawkes
               Re:Re:Hawkes' Law?19/12/24 20:36:00 Richard Carter
                  Re:Re:Re:Hawkes' Law?19/12/24 22:19:00 John Hawkes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Hawkes' Law?21/12/24 11:51:00 John Hawkes
   Re:Anti Corruption Chief under investigation19/12/24 10:30:00 Sue Hammond
   Reply19/12/24 12:20:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Reply19/12/24 13:36:00 John Hawkes
         Reply19/12/24 15:36:00 Michael Ixer
            Re:Reply19/12/24 15:50:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Reply19/12/24 17:03:00 John Hawkes
                  Reply19/12/24 17:18:00 Michael Ixer

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