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Topic: Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!
Posted by: Bernard Lopper
Date/Time: 06/10/10 13:11:00

What do Thamesfield residents think about plans to dig up Barn Elms?  Is it the best alternative to digging up Leaders Gardens? Of course it is less worse but is it all needed?
Motivation for the project is that it is "Required to ensure the UK complies with European environmental standards,"  
Anyone here with expertise on these matters to look into this? Is this  really required or is this just an exercise in bureaucratic correctness?

Details on  Once you’ve accessed the site select “Richmond” from the drop down list and click on the yellow tag at Barn Elms

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!06/10/10 13:11:00 Bernard Lopper
   Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!06/10/10 14:00:00 Jim Maddan
      Re:Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!07/10/10 01:01:00 Dave Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!07/10/10 14:05:00 Vic Condon
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!07/10/10 14:18:00 Dave Roberts
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!07/10/10 20:36:00 Bunny Payne
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!07/10/10 20:58:00 Bernard Lopper
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!15/10/10 12:21:00 Claire Johnson
   Re:Thames tunnel digging up Barn Elms!12/11/10 20:29:00 Louise de Silva

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