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Topic: Local Putney Olympians!
Posted by: John Gorst
Date/Time: 07/08/08 13:13:00

For anyone who is interested in the Olympics about to start in Beijing and is a supporter of local athletes, you might like to know that out of approx 70 rowers selected for the Olympic and Paralympic squad, 10 of them live in Putney.  They are:

James Clarke - World champion 2007, lightweight men's four.
Daniel Harte - World finallist 2007, lightweight men's pair.
Phelan Hill - World finallist 2007, men's coxed four.
Alison Knowles - World bronze medallist 2007, women's eight.
Elise Laverick - World bronze medallist 2007, women's double scull.
Georgina Menheneott - World finallist 2007, women's four.
Baz Moffat - World bronze medallist 2007, women's eight.
Mathilde Pauls - World silver medallist 2007, lightweight women's quadruple scull.
Annie Vernon - World champion 2007, women's quad scull.
Matthew Wells - World finallist 2007 and world bronze medallist 2006, men's double scull.
Beth Rodford – (not actually a Putney local, but a member of Thames RC) - former World Under 23 champion

Most of them regularly row on our stretch of river.  There are also others who are members of the clubs in Putney without actually living here.  Thames Rowing Club and also London Rowing Clubs both have excellent representation. 

Very best of luck to the entire squad, and especially to these local heroes!  I will be looking out and cheering for them!

James Elder – I know you are a rower with Thames RC – presumably there must be lots of excitement down at the clubs right now?  Perhaps you could tell us about the effort that these rowers will have put in to get to such a high level?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Local Putney Olympians!07/08/08 13:13:00 John Gorst
   Re:Local Putney Olympians!07/08/08 19:40:00 Sue Riggs
   Re:Local Putney Olympians!08/08/08 15:49:00 James Elder
   Re:Local Putney Olympians!14/08/08 23:00:00 James Elder
      Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!15/08/08 10:28:00 James Elder
         Re:Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!15/08/08 10:42:00 John Gorst
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!15/08/08 10:46:00 John Gorst
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!15/08/08 20:01:00 Sue Riggs
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!16/08/08 18:37:00 Sue Riggs
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!16/08/08 18:42:00 James Elder
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Local Putney Olympians!16/08/08 18:37:00 Sue Riggs

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