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Topic: Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?
Posted by: Ed Robinson
Date/Time: 24/05/24 22:58:00

"t wouldn't happen in any other field would it "

Both the Labour & Conservative party have had ministers resign in disgrace only to return again & again. Perhaps Labour will make it four times after the next election.

Politicians aside. There is nothing wrong with those falling out with premier organisations and taking up roles in in the same industry. The idea that you should write people off once failed is a very negative view. The US seems to have a more positive view of failure compared to the UK.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?24/05/24 19:18:00 Martine Guy
   Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?24/05/24 20:13:00 Richard Carter
      Reply24/05/24 20:27:00 Martine Guy
         Re:Reply24/05/24 20:48:00 Andy Pike
            Reply24/05/24 21:02:00 Martine Guy
      Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?24/05/24 22:58:00 Ed Robinson
         Reply24/05/24 23:07:00 Martine Guy
            Reply31/12/24 12:00:00 Martine Guy
               Re:Reply31/12/24 12:48:00 Jonathan Callaway
                  Reply31/12/24 13:15:00 Martine Guy
                     Re:Reply31/12/24 14:01:00 Jonathan Callaway
                     Re:Reply02/01/25 15:50:00 John Hawkes
      Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?02/01/25 15:42:00 John Hawkes
         Re:Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?02/01/25 16:42:00 Richard Carter
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?02/01/25 16:43:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?02/01/25 17:14:00 Richard Carter
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Have Plymouth Argyle gone mad?03/01/25 11:50:00 John Hawkes
   Reply02/01/25 16:48:00 Michael Ixer

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