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Topic: Re:Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging
Posted by: Ed Robinson
Date/Time: 25/03/24 22:29:00

There are much cheaper options available such as a congestion charge that use existing technology and requires no additional investment apart from billing etc.

A congestion charge at peak times could be introduced and should have been introduced within inner London. The equivalent of a bus fare for all private vehicles.

The obsession with spending large amounts of transport capital on infrastructure that does not get any one from A to B never ceases to amaze me.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging 25/03/24 18:38:00 Richard Carter
   Re:Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging 25/03/24 22:29:00 Ed Robinson
      Re:Re:Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging 25/03/24 23:09:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging 25/03/24 23:18:00 Barbara Stevens
      Re:Re:Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging 26/03/24 13:15:00 Richard Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Mayor won't be introducing pay per mile road charging 26/03/24 14:32:00 Barbara Stevens

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