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Topic: Re:Reply
Posted by: Matt Palmer
Date/Time: 25/07/21 12:37:00

Sounds like work is being done on figuring out how private transactions can be made

"The ECB has been testing “bearer instruments” to store smaller amounts of digital euros on hardware devices so they could be used in offline transactions without needing an internet connection or the involvement of a third party.

In another experiment, the central bank tested tools to detach a person’s identity from their payments using digital euros via “a decentralised ledger” — the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.

Panetta said: “Our preliminary experimentation on a digital euro is showing promising results on how technology can be used to protect user privacy without relaxing standards against illicit activities.”

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
The future of money25/07/21 11:44:00 Alda Bruno
   Re:The future of money25/07/21 11:50:00 Barbara Stevens
   Re:The future of money25/07/21 12:07:00 Freddie Francis
      Reply25/07/21 12:28:00 Michael Ixer
         Re:Reply25/07/21 12:37:00 Matt Palmer
            Reply25/07/21 13:00:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply25/07/21 13:15:00 Jonathan Callaway
                  Re:Re:Reply25/07/21 13:35:00 Freddie Francis
                     Reply25/07/21 13:57:00 Michael Ixer
                        Re:Reply25/07/21 16:26:00 Adam Tripp
                           Re:Re:Reply25/07/21 16:40:00 Matt Palmer
                              Re:Re:Re:Reply25/07/21 16:52:00 Alda Bruno
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply25/07/21 17:00:00 Adam Tripp
                                    Reply25/07/21 17:12:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply25/07/21 19:23:00 Ed Robinson
                  Reply25/07/21 20:12:00 Michael Ixer
   Reply25/07/21 19:00:00 Michael Ixer
      Reply25/07/21 19:19:00 Martine Guy
         Cash usage in society25/07/21 19:37:00 Jonathan Callaway
            Reply25/07/21 20:13:00 Martine Guy
            Reply25/07/21 20:27:00 Michael Ixer
               Re:Reply31/07/21 13:08:00 Alda Bruno
                  Re:Re:Reply31/07/21 20:34:00 Mike Essam

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