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Topic: Re:Re:Re:perfidious mp
Posted by: Sue Hammond
Date/Time: 16/02/19 11:10:00

Hi Barbara.  In my opinion a lot of MPs are perfidious a lot of the time. Since the referendum imo most of them are perfidious most of the time.  With all their Brexit shenanigans I can say that I'm now p****d off with 100% of them, 100% of the time!

Their disruptive and delaying tactics over Brexit are creating all the uncertainty that is damaging small and medium size businesses who cannot plan for their futures. However, the giants can ride the storm and imo some of them are cynically using Brexit as a threat to relocate or downsize.  A small number will locate or diversify parts of their orgs into Europe (and the Far East) but they would probably have done this at some time anyway. 

The recent media furore because Dyson has moved just TWO of his executives to Singapore was risible. The papers were screaming that his decision was made because of Brexit, but that's just emotive rubbish. Dyson has already moved some of his production to Malaysia, in 2003, which was obviously nothing to do with Brexit. Dyson is a genius businessman and he will diversify parts of his plc to wherever in the world is most advantageous to him. The main reasons are lower corporate tax, cheap labour and most importantly the infrastructure is already in place in Asia for the production of electric vehicles, which is Dyson's next major project.

Sorry I digressed 😊 so back to your question about the untrustworthiness of  MPs. Any MP representing a constituency that voted in a majority to leave the EU, and if that MP then subsequently votes against the PM in her negotiations to leave, deserves to be deselected. He/she is in the House to carry out the desires of his/her constituents NOT follow her/his own agenda.

I particularly look forward to seeing Soubry's sour face when she has to concede defeat.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
perfidious mp15/02/19 12:51:00 Barbara Shillabeer
   Re:perfidious mp15/02/19 13:47:00 Michael Ixer
      Re:Re:perfidious mp15/02/19 17:54:00 Ivonne Holliday
         Re:Re:Re:perfidious mp16/02/19 11:10:00 Sue Hammond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:perfidious mp16/02/19 11:34:00 David Ainsworth
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:perfidious mp16/02/19 11:44:00 Sue Hammond

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