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Topic: Random pic 18 December 2024
Posted by: Michael Ixer
Date/Time: 18/12/24 00:02:00

Replica OneWeb Satellite (Science Museum, South Kensington)

The satellite system that started life as WorldVu, a company based in the Channel Islands, involved collaboration between its founder, Greg Wyler, and Elon Musk in its early days and potential involvement with Google; then investment by the Virgin Group and Qualcomm with possible launches by Virgin Galactic (although Soyez then SpaceX have actually been used). Then after financial problems the Indian Bharti Global group and UK government invested, before OneWeb finally merging with Eutelsat to become a subsidiary of restructured Eutelsat Group. According to Wikipedia the UK retains its golden share in the OneWeb subsidiary and around 10% equity in the new group.

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