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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?
Posted by: Thomas Smith
Date/Time: 21/02/05 12:15:00

Nice comment Adam:

“Trouble is I doubt there are any people in the local authority who decide on licences who are representative of the average 20s-30s Putney bar drinker”.

Maybe those “in the local authority who decide on licences” are thinking beyond the narrow confines of the “average 20s-30s Putney bar drinker” and instead thinking of the wider community.

I live with my family away from the high street. Personally, I’m tired of my baby being woken by loud drinkers at chucking out time and tired of being threatened for politely asking people to pipe down. I’m tired of bottles being tossed into the road, the pavement or peoples’ front gardens and tired too of the vomit and rubbish on the streets on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

You may “welcome extended licenses to 1am or 2am” but many people don’t. If people act like this before midnight, presumably they’ll act the same at 2am.

Have you looked at the state of our streets on Sunday mornings?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?29/01/05 20:35:00 Allen Bracchi
   Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?01/02/05 12:41:00 Gavin McGregor
   Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?01/02/05 15:04:00 Olivier Magere
      Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?01/02/05 15:32:00 Melissa Cole
         Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?15/02/05 11:42:00 Tony Colman
            Re:Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?21/02/05 10:54:00 Adam Bailey
               Re:Re:Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?21/02/05 12:15:00 Thomas Smith
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?11/03/05 10:59:00 Adam Bailey
   Re:Do we need or wont 24 hour drinking in Putney ?11/03/05 11:13:00 Melissa Cole

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