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Topic: Q&A session re Murder in Huntingfield Road
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Posted by: Janis Humberstone
Date/Time: 26/05/14 10:55:00

Do you have questions about the murder in Huntingfield Road on April 22?

If so, a meeting has been arranged by the West Putney Safer Neighbourhood team for local residents at 7pm on Wednesday 28 May in St Margaret's Church, Putney Park Lane. The meeting does not appear to have been widely advertised eg it is not on the SNT website itself, which is why I am posting details here for anyone interested in what is going on in West Putney.

Representatives from the local police and the murder investigation team will be on hand to update residents on developments in the investigation and to answer any questions you may have.

This meeting has been organised by the West Putney Safer Neighbourhood Team following representations from the Dover House Estate Residents Association.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Q&A session re Murder in Huntingfield Road26/05/14 10:55:00 Janis Humberstone
   Re:Q&A session re Murder in Huntingfield Road26/05/14 12:48:00 PutneySW15 Editor

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